Placing of homes on the Board Tour is limited to Board Members Only. The Tour areas listed below are held on Tuesdays, on a rotating basis, and are in the Open House format. The open house runs from 10:00 am until 1:00 pm. Homes on tour MUST be open with at least one licensed agent in attendance and remain there during the entire time scheduled. The only exception to this rule is for properties located outside of county boundaries in Area #5. In such cases, a video presentation at the Business Meeting may be accepted as an alternative to hosting an open house, due to excessive drive times.
When you have a home on Tour, you must attend the Tour Meeting on Tuesday morning at 9:00 am, sign the “sign in” sheet, and present your listing to the other agents during the allotted time. If you arrive after 9:20 am or do not attend the tour meeting your listing will be canceled from the tour and you will not be allowed to present.
Deadline to place a home on tour: 3:00 p.m. the Monday prior to Tour. For instructions on how to place your listing on tour CLICK HERE
AREA #1 – 1st Tuesday
Sunbrook, Dixie Downs, Entrada, Santa Clara, Ivins, Kayenta, SR-18
AREA #2 – 2nd Tuesday
Downtown St. George, Middleton, Bloomington Hills, Bloomington, Sunriver, Desert Color, Desert Canyon
AREA #3 – 3rd Tuesday
Red Cliffs, South Washington City, Washington Fields, Little Valley
AREA #4 – 4th Tuesday
Green Springs, Brio, North Washington City, Coral Canyon, Dixie Springs, Hurricane, Toquerville, East to Springdale
AREA #5 – 5th Tuesday (when applicable)
Includes all of Washington County and out of county properties, so long as the property is listed on the Washington County MLS.

The Business Meeting for all tours is held at the WCBR office in the Tonaquint Center, 1070 W. 1600 S. Street Suite A101 from 9:00 am – 10:00 am Tuesday Morning. The Tour itinerary is available at the Business Meeting. Attendance at the Tour Meetings is limited to REALTOR® and Affiliate members of the Washington County Board of REALTORS®. Guest attendance is limited to licensed agents or to potential Affiliate Members by special invitation only.
The primary purpose of this meeting is to afford REALTOR® members a place to present their listings to the other Agents in attendance, as well as an opportunity to network.
A period of not to exceed 20 minutes will be allotted during the business meeting for a “Wants and Needs” session where agents may make presentations relating to new listings and needs relating to buyer clients the agents may have. Significant changes to existing listings may also be presented. Agents may present as many wants/needs as they can during a 1 minute period and then must go to the end of the line and then may present additional wants and needs.
The Wants and Needs session should refrain from being used as a platform for promoting political agendas, broker recruitment, or for any form of Affiliate promotion.
Unlicensed Assistants are not permitted to present the listing or to sit at the homes. Only residential properties are shown on the Board Tour. Commercial properties are allowed on tour, however, the property must be open and available for agents to tour. Lots are not allowed on tour. Agents are permitted to distribute flyers for properties on the Tour as well as properties not on the Tour, as they see fit.
Every week an Affiliate Member of the Board volunteers to provide morning refreshments at the Business Meeting. During the meeting they are given a few minutes to present their company to the members. No other Affiliates are permitted to stand and speak about upcoming events or hand out marketing materials during the meeting.
Once a year, a meeting will be scheduled following the official release of the Board of Directors Ballot, during which all candidates will be invited to provide a brief introduction, sharing their background and goals. This is the sole occasion when potential promotion will be permissible.
These rules have been established to set guidelines that the membership can refer to, rely on, and utilize in conducting business. They also help set the standard by which the members of the WCBR will be recognized throughout Washington County as professionals practicing Real Estate.
- The number of homes on Tour is unlimited for any given Tour area. A limit of 2 listings per REALTOR®/Agent or TEAM per any given tour is allowed. Any exceptions to this rule may only be considered and approved by the committee chair.
- Homes may be on tour only once in a six month period unless:
The home has been re-listed by a different listing Agent or Office
The original listing has expired and the Agent has re-listed the home. This ensures that all Agents have the opportunity to showcase their homes.
An exception is made by the Tour Committee. (There may be circumstances under which agents may request to have their homes places on the next or a subsequent tour that the committee may deem just and reasonable to grant an exception from this rule; i.e. Agent was unavoidably called away for an emergency or some other just cause.)
All listings on the Tour must be staffed by the Listing Agent, another appointed licensed Agent, or a licensed Assistant who is a member of the Board of REALTORS®. Properties are not to be left vacant during the Tour. Agents are expected to stay in the home during the required time.
The Listing Agent may find it necessary to substitute with another Agent or licensed Assistant. Substitutes are acceptable; however compliance with Utah Division of Real Estate Administrative Rule 6-2-15 is required. Specifically, an unlicensed person may assist at an open house only with the permission of the Broker and “so long as the licensee is present.”
Newly constructed homes that are not in the finished state are disallowed. To be on tour, newly constructed homes must have plumbing & lighting fixtures installed and cabinetry & floor coverings must be in place. Generally either a “certificate of occupancy” must have been issued or the home would qualify for issuance of a “C of O” to be placed on tour. (Many spec homes have allowances for Buyers to select floor coverings and lighting fixtures. Homes in this state are acceptable.)
No smoking, alcoholic beverages, or food service, except during luncheon time scheduled, or in designated areas of the residence set aside for the purpose of serving refreshments.
Agents are allowed to provide brochures about the property with the following information: Address, Subdivision, Unit Number (if PUD), Price, Courtesy Estimate of Square Footage, MLS Number, Brokerage Name, and the basic information most Agents and Clients will ask for.
Please use Open House signs on the property on Tour.
Changing listing agents on listings in the MLS in order for one listing agent to have more than the maximum number of homes allowed on any tour is not permitted. Agents MAY talk about & distribute fliers and/or maps during the Wants & Needs session in the Tour Meeting for other listings they may have in the tour area and may hold the other homes open and even office incentives for agents to visit these other listing, but only maximum, number of homes permitted per the tour rules will be allowed to be formally placed tour. Any exception to this rule may only be considered and approved by the committee chair.
Tour Rules & Regulations violations that will result in the imposition of penalties or sanctions are:
- Home on Tour with no licensed agent present
- Not keeping the home on Tour open for the entire scheduled time of the tour.
- Non-compliance with the meetings rules & regulations concerning permissible speech and promotional guidelines
1- First Violation: A verbal warning and/or written warning
2- Second Violation (in a one year period): The privilege of placing homes on tour will be suspended for a period of six months.
Exceptions: The only exceptions to the above sanctions will be in the event that the rule violation was the result of an emergency situation. Determining whether or not a situation is a true “emergency” will be the decision of the Tour Committee Chairman.