If HOMEOWNERSHIP Matters to You…

Washington County Board of REALTORS® invites you to attend our 2nd annual
June 27th | 11:45am – 1:30pm | Hilton Garden Inn
Both live & silent auctions will be held, featuring a wide variety of good & services, ranging in value, to bid on!
Participation in the auction is not required, but highly encouraged.
All proceeds will benefit RPAC (REALTOR® Political Action Committee).
SAVE THE DATE & create an account! Creating an account in our auction programs allows you to preview all available silent auction items, “favorite” items you’re interested in and set notifications for when you’ve been outbid. At the conclusion of the auction, you will be notified of winning items and contacted to make payment and arrange for pickup. https://www.washcorealtors.auction
At the event, a live auction will be held featuring BIG TICKET items, along with raffle prize giveaway (see below). During this time, a silent auction will be conducted using Easy.Auction online auction program. The silent auction will be open 12:00-3:00pm the day of the auction, allowing you to bid from your phone or computer, WHENEVER, from WHERE EVER, ensuring the best shot of winning!
RPAC = REALTOR® Political Action Committee. Our mission is clear: voluntary contributions made by REALTORS® are used to promote pro-housing legislation and help elect candidates who understand and support housing related issues. RPAC is a powerful alliance working to protect and promote access to homeownership and is the nations largest, most successful bipartisan PAC.
There has never been a more crucial time to invest in RPAC. Private property rights and housing affordability are vital to a healthy local economy and are constantly under attack. I invest in RPAC so that qualified individuals can lobby on my behalf.
Tammy Houchen, 2024 WCBR President

In addition to the live & silent auctions, one lucky winner will receive a UAR Convention Package valued at $2000.
This years convention will be held September 4-6 in sunny San Diego, California.
Winner must be present at the live auction to be eligible to win.
Airfare for One
Hotel Accommodations (3 Nights)
Full Convention Registration
2 Tickets to Padres MLB Game
You must be present at the live auction to win!
Early RSVPers (by 6/19) will receive 1 entry
Attendees who made an RPAC donation with their 2024 dues will receive 1 entry
Additional entries may be purchased at the event:
3 for $50
8 for $125
12 for $250
My annual investment in RPAC is non-negotiable and should be for all REALTORS®. It’s this collective partnership that makes the REALTOR® party a force to be reckoned with locally, and on a state and national level. By supporting RPAC, our voices are heard and our impacts on local housing issues is effective.
Emily Merkley, WCBR Chief Executive Officer

Any investment at any level – whether $25 or $1000 – makes a difference.
Your participation helps us to continue the fight.
Protect your CLIENTS. Protect your BUSINESS!
We’re not focused on the right, left of even the middle of the aisle.
The REALTOR® Party is the only advocacy group in America that fights exclusively for homeownership, real estate, investment, strong communities and the free enterprise system. Investing in RPAC allows us to determine the quality of our future in our industry.
RPAC 101
70 cents of every dollar raised stays right here in Utah (to combat local & state issues), while 30 cents is sent to the National Association of REALTORS® to look after your interests on a federal level. But whether in Utah or nationwide, every penny is used to:
- Elect candidates of any party who understand our issues and champion for the rights of property and business owners.
- Fight legislation that would be harmful to our clients and businesses.
Making sure achieving the American Dream is possible in Utah is imperative to Utah REALTORS®
and we look forward to continuing to fight for homeownership at the state and local level.
2024 Utah Legislative Summary
Governor’s Priorities:
In December of 2023 Governor Spencer Cox announced addressing the housing crisis in Utah would be a cornerstone of his legislative priorities, specifically the shortage of starter homes in Utah. This focus on land use, housing development, and infrastructure by a sitting Governor was unprecedented, and his office’s support was integral in moving housing legislation through the process during the 2024 Legislative Session.Working together with the Utah REALTORS®, the Property Rights Coalition, the Utah League of Cities and Towns, the Utah Association of Counties, and the Home Builders Association, we were able to see meaningful changes to infrastructure funding mechanisms, government accountability, and financing options for starter home developments.
Land Use Task Force & Commission on Housing Affordability:
Simultaneously, the Land Use Task Force and the Commission on Housing Affordability, met through the 2023 interim and brought forward legislation to enact regulatory reform. These bills establish standards for modular homes, give cities new tools for zoning, prioritize development accessible to first-time homebuyers, and continue to streamline the permitting process. Utah’s Land Use Task Force is unique to Utah and our cooperation and collaboration is a key reason we see improvement year over year.
Legislative Fights:
Unfortunately, bad ideas are as prevalent as good ideas at the Legislature and during the 2024 session we fought several misguided pieces of legislation. Among those were bills intended to increase the scope of impact fees, expand the use of eminent domain, and restrict short-term rentals. We also fought to educate legislators on the long-term impact of our housing shortage. Passing bad legislation can be detrimental to our housing stock, but so can passing nothing at all.
Looking to the future:
Our advocacy team will continue to work with legislators throughout the year to help them understand the importance of homeownership and a healthy housing market. Utah’s housing shortage won’t be solved in one session, or even two, but as we continue to educate legislators, advocate for good legislation, and help Utahns understand the gravity of our housing issues, we will continue to see progress. Making sure achieving the American Dream is possible in Utah is imperative to Utah REALTORS® and we look forward to continuing to fight for homeownership at the state and local level.
2024 Utah Legislative Wins
H.B. 13 Infrastructure Financing Districts
This bill creates a special district that can finance public infrastructure. Across the state cities and counties have approved and permitted hundreds of housing projects that are stalled due to a lack of funding for water, sewage, or roads. With this infrastructure financing tool, builders can finally move forward with home construction by bonding for needed infrastructure with the cities’ approval, instead of continuing to wait in a backlog of unfunded projects.
H.B. 289 Property Rights Ombudsman Amendments
This bill holds municipalities accountable when they violate land use law. In the instance that a city or county is in a dispute with a property owner and they knowingly and intentional violate the law, this allows the judge to award consequential damages to the property owner. This is an important step toward government transparency and compliance.
H.B. 476 Municipal Land Use Regulation Modifications
This bill is one brought forward by the land use task force and addresses common land use issues that impact development agreements, subdivision approvals, application processing, landscaping requirements and setbacks. It works to clean up confusing or unnecessarily complicated regulations and streamline the land use application process.
H.B. 572 State Treasurer Investment Amendments
This bill invests $300 million of state funds to buy down interest rates for developers willing to build owner-occupied starter homes at $450k or less. This creative financing solution will have a large impact on smaller homebuilders whose projects have been at the mercy of climbing interest rates.
S.B. 168 Housing Affordability Amendments
This bill is one brough forward by the Commission on Housing Affordability and makes the Homeownership Ownership Prosperity Zone available to cities as a zoning and financing tool if they are willing to zone for smaller lot, owner-occupied homes, at 80% of the county’s median home price. It also creates regulatory standards for modular homes, making if faster and less expensive to build homes.
S.B. 268 First Home Investment Zone Act
This bill creates the First Home Investment Zone as a zoning and financing tool that encourages high density in city centers and small lot, single family homes outside the city center. It encourages pragmatic planning, while prioritizing owner-occupied homeownership at affordable prices.
Once I realized how harmful legislation could impact my client’s interest, I started investing in RPAC. My investment supports candidates who will work to protect the rights of homeowners and promote housing options for all.
Joe Langston, 2024 WCBR Past-President
To view a list of important issues, visit the
website at realtorparty.com.